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26 octombrie 2023

Lucian Anghel was appointed as deputy general manager of Libra Bank

* Libra has three bond issues listed on the BSE The Board of Directors of Libra Internet Bank has appointed Lucian Anghel, the former president of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), as deputy general manager, for a period of four years, according to a report of the credit institution published yesterday, on the website of […]

26 octombrie 2023

The Minister of Research advocates for the digital rights of citizens

People should benefit from certain rights in the virtual world of the internet. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

26 octombrie 2023

Education: Mr. Goe, the modern version, a scholarship for a 2

Education often manages to surprise more than those involved in the learning process would like. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

26 octombrie 2023

The western part of the country hosts the International Literature Festival.

Literature is experiencing remarkable moments this autumn. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

26 octombrie 2023

Florin Barbu: 'We will double the allocation for Investalim'

The amount initially allocated for the government and #39;s Investalim program could be doubled up to 1.2 billion euros and farmers will be able to benefit from advantageous loans for working capital with commissions paid by the Ministry of Agriculture, these are the measures announced yesterday by Minister Florin Barbu, within a debate held in […]

26 octombrie 2023

The fiscal changes, promulgated by Klaus Iohannis

Yesterday, President Klaus Iohannis signed the decree for the promulgation of the Law on some fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure Romania and #39;s long-term financial sustainability. It is about the fiscal measures assumed by the Ciolacu government in Parliament, most of them coming into force on January 1, 2024. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" […]

26 octombrie 2023

Report: Six threats to human life

Climate change is causing significant concern. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

26 octombrie 2023

The National Bank does not have the ISU approval for fire cases

The National Bank of Romania does not have a fire safety authorization from the Bucharest-Ilfov Emergency Situations Inspectorate. I learned that information during an event that took place at the beginning of this week and in which Governor Mugur Isărescu launched his book: 'The role of central banks in contemporary economies: beyond price stability'. Informatie […]

26 octombrie 2023

Dubai, Miami, Florida, Spain, Mexico - investments in luxury real estate, with high yield

* Andreea Popa, Emax Real Estate: 'The capital invested in a property in Dubai can be doubled in the first year after the investment' * Dorina Popovici, Casa Spania 24: 'The sales of real estate in the tourist areas of Spain, because, in addition to all the advantages related to price and climate, it also […]

26 octombrie 2023

OMV Petrom and #39;s global depositary receipts have been delisted from the London Stock Exchange

OMV Petrom and #39;s global deposit certificates (GDRs) were delistered from the London Stock Exchange, a process that had started in August, as it appears from the reports of the oil and gas producer published on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

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