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8 septembrie 2024

The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by the Simion Plan, difficult to implement in the current economic conditions

*Simion and #39;s plan provides for the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund on the model of the one existing in Norway *FSI proposed by Simion will not hold shares in state energy companies, but will be fed with 50% of the dividends granted and with royalties and other taxes of exploitation *Romanian citizens could […]

8 septembrie 2024

The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by Dragnea, failed in implementation

Liviu Dragnea and PSD proposed, in February 2017, the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund in 2017, the measure being part of the governing program of the social democrats for the period 2016-2020. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

8 septembrie 2024

Gheorghe Piperea: 'The Sovereign Investment Fund should be subordinate to the Parliament'

The future Sovereign Investment Fund, provided for by the Simion Plan and the AUR program, should be subordinated to the Parliament, lawyer Gheorghe Piperea, MEP from our country, told us. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

8 septembrie 2024

Mircea Coşea: 'I see the Sovereign Investment Fund only under the authority of the BNR'

The establishment of a sovereign investment fund is extremely welcome, but such a financial instrument should be established only under the authority of the National Bank of Romania, the only institution capable of eliminating political interests and pressures, claims university professor Dr. Mircea Coşea, expert in economy. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral […]

8 septembrie 2024

Adrian Codirlaşu: 'Ideal for the establishment of the SIF would be the Proprietatea Fund model'

The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by the Simion Plan should be established according to the Proprietatea Fund model, claims Adrian Codirlaşu, the vice-president of CFA Romania. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

8 septembrie 2024

Prime Transaction: Sphera and MedLife - among the best results from the BSE; Electrics and TTS - poor results

* 'Normally the results of Sphera in the second semester should be above those of the similar period of the previous year' * 'Even for the second half of the year, things are not expected to improve at Electrica, there is still potential for negative base effects' Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral […]

8 septembrie 2024

Financial markets - more accessible than ever; What must an investor do to succeed in a constantly changing market

* (Interview with Jakub Rochlitz, Popular Investor on eToro) Reporter: How long have you been investing? Jakub Rochlitz: This is my third year managing my own portfolio, but I started learning about investments and doing analysis for my father earlier. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

5 septembrie 2024

Kremlin Manipulates US Elections; the Russian operation, annihilated by American institutions

*The US Department of Justice has seized 32 Internet domains used by Russia in a massive campaign to influence the 2024 presidential election and other countries, revealing the Kremlin and #39;s involvement in disseminating fake news *The Russia Today post and high-ranking Russian influencers such as Margarita Simonyan, orchestrated disinformation operations using advanced artificial intelligence […]

5 septembrie 2024

Beijing Stock Exchange, three years after its debut: 80% of listed companies are profitable

The Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE), launched in 2021 to support innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China, turned three years old this week. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

5 septembrie 2024

Kapital Minds study: Two out of three entrepreneurs in our country consider selling the business as the main option for exit

* Laurentiu Stan, founder of Kapital Minds: 'Many potential transactions are not realized due to the very different expectations of the seller and the buyer regarding the price' * 'An independent, objective assessment anchored in the reality of the specific market is always the first step in an M and A process', says the company […]

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