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2 noiembrie 2023

China enters the 'season' of pollution

Asia is the most polluted continent, and uncontrolled industrialization is to blame for this situation. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

2 noiembrie 2023

'Plasmaserv want to double our market share by the end of next year'

* (Interview with Tiberiu Vărzar, Plasmaserv CEO) Reporter: In two years you will mark 20 years since your company has been active in the market in our country. How is the balance of 20 years of activity presented? Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

2 noiembrie 2023

Who Shares, Makes Their Part

* (The Untold Story of Mass Privatization) Starting from November 3, 2023, the newspaper BURSA initiates an unprecedented campaign of information and revelations regarding the privatization process in Romania, particularly the mass privatization process and the reality of the millions of shareholders of financial investment companies (formerly private property funds). Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" […]

2 noiembrie 2023

The Chairman of the Federal Reserve: 'We and #39;re not even discussing interest rate cuts at this point'

* 'We will keep monetary policy tight until we are confident that inflation is on a sustainable path towards the 2% target' The Federal Reserve doesn and #39;t want investors to think an interest rate cut is coming anytime soon, according to Business Insider. In the middle of this week, the US central bank announced […]

2 noiembrie 2023

Legislative change: The Returo company will pay penalties for not reaching the collection targets of blankets, bottles and cans

The Returo company, which is the administrator appointed to manage the Guarantee-Return System regarding reusable primary packaging, will be penalized in the event of not reaching the collection targets assumed for blankets, bottles and cans, said Mircea Fechet, the Minister of the Environment, Water and Forests, following the meeting of yesterday of the Government, in […]

1 noiembrie 2023

Energy unions accuse irregularities on the Mintia Thermal Power Plant platform

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu should send the Control Body to several decentralized public institutions in Hunedoara county, which would ignore numerous irregularities that occur on the platform of the Mintia thermal power plant, bought last year, following an auction, by a company based in Bucharest and member of a group of companies based in Jordan, […]

1 noiembrie 2023

The primes for teaching and professional career

The Ministry of Education has announced that it has taken the necessary legal steps for the granting of the teaching career and professional career bonuses, as per the provisions of Government Ordinance No. 58/2023. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

1 noiembrie 2023

Fiscal sprint: New taxes hump micro-enterprises

* The most affected will be small and medium-sized companies, their profitability and competitiveness will be eroded Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

1 noiembrie 2023

Saudi Arabia has achieved a new victory: the 2034 FIFA World Cup

Petro-dollars rule in today and #39;s football. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

1 noiembrie 2023

Business environment: New taxes will kill a quarter of SMEs

* Some tax measures, in force since yesterday The business environment in our country must quickly adapt to the fiscal changes contained in law 296/2023, taking into account the fact that some of them entered into force yesterday, November 1, others will enter into force on November 11, and most the measures will be applicable […]

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