Stiri Articole English Section
3 ianuarie 2024

Museum Curators Protest Publicly and Plan to 'Sabotage' the 'School Otherwise' Program

The National Federation of Unions in Culture and Media, 'CulturMedia,' affiliated with CNS Cartel Alfa, is starting the new year with strong protests. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

3 ianuarie 2024

The Ministry of Education and #39;s Balance Sheet, Full of Achievements

The sources of pride for authorities do not always align with those of the population. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

2 ianuarie 2024

The Concept of the Kingdom of God (X)

Positioning freedom as a condition for the potential of spiritual elevation to become effective opens the complementary aspect of the concept of the 'Kingdom of God' that I propose, compared to interpretations that speak of the 'Kingdom of God' only as an inner moral reservoir with which we would have been equipped at our divine […]

1 ianuarie 2024

'I am the Lord your God'

The expression 'I am the Lord your God' is repeated dozens of times in different contexts in the Old Testament, consistently understood as a declaration through which God asserts authority over humans, an authority infused into the nature of the Commandments Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

31 decembrie 2023

'In the Likeness and Image'

The effort spanning generations, from deep antiquity to the present day, to elucidate the Holy Scriptures, contemplate upon them, and attribute meanings finds its primordial literary impetus in the unity (or agreement) between humanity and divinity, established by verse 26 of the first chapter of Genesis Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul […]

30 decembrie 2023

The Kingdom of God; A Conceptual Sketch - III

The intersection of Yowel and #39;s Commandments with similar ones from Shmita has been eliminated; considering Yowel as an extension of Shmita in the fiftieth year, only the additional, Jubilee-specific Commandments not found in Shmita are presented here Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

29 decembrie 2023

The Kingdom of God; A Conceptual Sketch - II

'6. For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you.' (Deuteronomy 15) '9. Also, you shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the heart of a […]

29 decembrie 2023

The Kingdom of God; A Conceptual Sketch - I

In constructing the concept, I have retained numerous Commandments specific to biblical times because they remain relevant today Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

27 decembrie 2023

Definition and Bibliography for the 'Kingdom of God'

Assembling statements of Jesus Christ scattered throughout the Gospels creates the opportunity to present a coherent picture of the concept of the 'Kingdom of God' that he preached Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

26 decembrie 2023

Aversion to Rationality

The communication between God and Moses on Mount Sinai is such a powerful narrative in the Holy Book that the subsequent fusion of revelation and reason - a process explored in earlier episodes of this essay - fades into the background, even stimulating a certain Jewish aversion to the rational approach to holiness as inappropriate […]

Ooni Koda
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