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19 august 2024

Germany tightens the tap on military aid to Ukraine

The current Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk area, to create a buffer zone according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, risks running out of military support at some point, as the government in Berlin has halved Germany and #39;s contribution to the authorities and #39; war effort from Kiev. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral […]

19 august 2024

The largest stock markets in the world: 1900 vs. 2023

* If in 1900, the London Stock Exchange represented 24.2% of the global market capitalization, followed by the USA, with 14.5%, in 2023 the American market will lead, with a share of over 60% Since 1900, the United Kingdom has accounted for almost a quarter of global market capitalization, according to, which has compiled […]

19 august 2024

Cybercriminals cause trillions of dollars in damage

Cybercriminals have become a threat to the global economy. Cybercrime could cost companies 10.5 trillion dollars in 2025, an amount that includes the profits made by hackers through various means, according to an article published recently on the specialized blog of the manufacturer of antivirus solutions Eset. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral […]

19 august 2024

International parade in Transylvania: hundreds of motorcyclists from 20 countries

The Association of Women Motorcyclists from Romania is organizing an international motorcycle parade, as part of the WIMA International Rally 2024 - a first in our country. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

19 august 2024

S and P confirms: Cable television is in decline

People continue to watch quite a lot of television, but less and less classical television. S and P downgraded Warner Bros. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

19 august 2024

One United has started the capital increase through which it wants to attract up to 70 million euros

* The operation involves a stage in which subscriptions are made on the basis of pre-emptive rights, the rights to be traded on the BSE The real estate developer One United Properties (ONE) started, yesterday, the capital increase operation through which it wants to attract up to 70 million euros, by issuing a maximum of […]

19 august 2024

Artificial Intelligence, engine for the economy

Artificial Intelligence has already found its place in the world economy. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

19 august 2024

Today is the last call for subscriptions within the Fidelis offer

* The subscription period ends at 13:00 în limba română Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

19 august 2024

Fiscal Council: 'The fiscal-budgetary consolidation process is stringent and inevitable'

The escalation of the budget deficit indicates structural problems, which can only be remedied through urgent fiscal reforms that lead to budgetary consolidation, the Fiscal Council states in the report for the year 2023, published yesterday, a document that raises a new alarm signal regarding the serious deterioration of the situation fiscal-budgetary of our country. […]

19 august 2024

A comparison between George Simion and #39;s program and Kamala Harris and #39; program; what AUR wanted in the beginning and what it wants now - differences and adaptations

After the American vice president Kamala Harris presented at the end of last week her economic program as a candidate for the position of the president of the USA, we wonder if what is called the Simion Plan still looks like a utopia - as economic and political analysts in our country say - or […]

Ooni Koda
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