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29 august 2024

Aurel Cazacu: 'If the Russians attack us, we only have ammunition for two or three days'

The defense industry in our country does not produce as much as it is needed, and this fact leaves us exposed to an armed attack from Russia, military expert Aurel Cazacu, former director general of Romarm, told us. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

29 august 2024

Damen Shipyard - ignored by the Romanian state for the development of the defense industry

Damen Shipyards Galaţi is an atypical case for the way in which the central authorities understand to collaborate with foreign companies that have opened subsidiaries in our country, collaboration that leads to the endowment of the Romanian Army. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

29 august 2024

Constantin Bucuroiu: 'We need a financing of 250 million euros in the defense industry'

The defense industry in our country urgently needs a financing of 250 million euros to retechnology and modernize, claims Constantin Bucuroiu, the president of the Alliance of Trade Unions in the Defense and Aeronautical Industry (ASIAA). Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

29 august 2024

The war in Ukraine - financial boom for European defense companies

Longer-term concerns about how Russia is acting not only on the front in Ukraine, but also in the Middle East and the Far East have led European NATO member states to embark on an extensive program to increase their own weapons stockpiles, fact that turned into a real financial boom for companies in the defense […]

29 august 2024

What results does Prime Transaction expect Transport Trade Services to have in the second quarter?

* The company will present its results today after the close of trading The analysis team of the brokerage house Prime Transaction anticipates that the river carrier and port operator Transport Trade Services (TTS) will report a turnover of 211 million lei for the second quarter of the year, about 20% below that of the […]

29 august 2024

Russia and #39;s economy, in solid growth

Russia and #39;s economy is showing solid growth in many sectors while unemployment remains at a record low, statistical data released Wednesday showed, prompting Moscow officials to advance an upbeat outlook for the full year despite Western sanctions from the cause of the war in Ukraine, reports Reuters. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste […]

29 august 2024

Nicu Fălcoi: 'The only solution is the privatization of state companies in the defense industry'

The only solution is the privatization of the state companies in the defense industry subordinated to Romarm, if we want this sector of economic activity to modernize and become a competitive one, deputy Nicu Fălcoi (USR), vice-president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, told us , former military pilot. Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste […]

29 august 2024

The armaments industry - the new attraction for companies and investment funds

* The Arms Race Hampered by the Financial Situation of State-Owned Companies in Our Defense Industry Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

29 august 2024

The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists

Recent research published in The European Physical Journal B offers an interesting explanation for the sharp decline in deaths from Covid-19 in the United States between August 2022 and March 2023. Although vaccines have played a crucial role in fighting the pandemic, it appears that a change in the molecular structure of the spike protein […]

29 august 2024

Switzerland - the country with the highest wealth/person

* Global wealth increased by 4.2% in 2023 Global wealth grew by 4.2% in 2023 as stock markets recovered and inflation eased, according to an analysis by Informatie preluata din publicatia "Bursa" - citeste integral articolul - click aici

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