ASF and #39;s maneuvers cause interest in the European Parliament

* A German MEP calls for an investigation into the insurance market in our country
* The European Conservative: 'The Commission refused access to members of the European Parliament to a report related to certain irregularities regarding the regulator of the insurance market in Romania'
* Lars Peter Berg: 'I wonder if somehow it is time for an independent investigation, to establish exactly what is happening in Romania'
* Assen Christov, the President of Eurohold, said, recently, in an interview given to the newspaper BURSA, that 'he will not be surprised' if the new insurance company licensed to operate in our country and managed by Ursula Von der Leyen and #39;s brother will try to obtain the policy portfolio of Euroins Romania for nothing
* Libertatea: 'Liviu Voinea, favorite to take the place of Nicu Marcu as head of the ASF'

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